DEXdeck Beams
Our beams are custom designed to suit the particular requirements of your design. The beam architecture is not limited by any size constraint. The beams are precision parts cut out by a high speed optical laser and formed by CNC press brakes. We can inexpensively add custom slots to easily integrate with the rest of your design components… Learn More

DEXdeck Columns

DEXdeck Deck Panels

DEXdeck Handrail

DEXdeck Stairs

DEXdeck Layouts
Scroll down for downloadable 3D models.
Gallery Instructions
Click the picture to see the larger and/or whole picture. You may then scroll left or right to see more images. Use the Esc key on your keyboard or click away from the image to close the enlarged image gallery section.
3D models
The 3D models are saved as 2013/2014/2015/2016 dwg files.
The QUICset detail has been simplified: it is not the actual geometry.
To keep the file size small and make it easy to resize beams, they have been represented as a rectangular section.
If you would like any of the files saved as an earlier version, or saved as dxf, Vectorworks, or other file format (there are 6 or 7), please contact us.
If you use a version other than 2016, please let us know when asking for a model in a different file format.
If you are creating a custom rental we can model it for you.